Connecting people sleeping rough to local services


Read all the latest news from StreetLink

StreetLink offers the public a means to act to ensure rough sleepers are connected to the local services and support available to them. Watch our video here to find out more!

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To sign up to receive our newsletters, create an account or log-in and visit your profile to opt in to news.

December 2020, Thank you for your support in 2020

October 2020, How StreetLink can support new rough sleepers during the pandemic

July 2020, Ensuring people do not return to the streets post-lockdown

April 2020, Protecting people sleeping rough during COVID-19

October 2019, Supporting a person sleeping rough during the day

Meet members of the StreetLink community – from people with experience of rough sleeping who have been supported by the service, to our excellent phone line team – by reading their stories here.

Read about StreetLink and issues related to rough sleeping in the press:

What to do if you see someone sleeping rough in winter, Glamour, January 2021

Homelessness reports spike in capital, The Independent, November 2020

Reports of rough sleeping rose sharply during lockdown, The Guardian, August 2020

Government must extend ban on evictions, Evening Standard, August 2020

Why Covid-19 means we face homelessness, The Big Issue, August 2020

Life inside the new homeless hotels, The Guardian, May 2020

Government gives 3.2m to support rough sleepers during Covid-19, The Big Issue, March 2020

How to help homeless people in the cold weather, Huffington Post, January 2020

Becoming homeless can happen easier than you might think, Metro, December 2019

Watch our film highlighting the impact StreetLink can have on the lives of people who sleep rough, and explaining how the service works.

If you have a press enquiry about StreetLink, please contact