I am sleeping rough

StreetLink works by passing the information you provide to local services working in the area you give for where you will be sleeping rough. Street outreach services responding to StreetLink alerts will usually go out to find people who are sleeping rough at night or in the early hours of the morning and we don't advise you to send us an alert and then stay on the street waiting for help to arrive when a faster route to support may be available to you.

What time do you bed down?

Please provide any further details on the times you expect to be bedded down that could be useful (e.g. state the period you expect to be there)

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Where are you bedding down at night?

Please use the search box to type the general location that you're sleeping in and click on one of the options presented. Then drag the map pin around to position it in the exact location where you will be sleeping rough at night


You have selected
as your sleeping location. Please provide us with as much descriptive detail as possible to help find you.

Location Details*

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Your details

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Contact and consent information

Consent to be contacted

I confirm that I may be contacted with further information requests if necessary




Thank You!


We are grateful that you have told us about where you will be sleeping rough. This can be the first step in connecting someone who is sleeping rough to the support they need.

The details you have provided will now be passed by us to the relevant team working locally in the area that you are sleeping. You will receive an email with a unique reference number and some details on who we have directed the alert to.


You have selected a time during a daylight hours. Street outreach teams will usually go out to find people who are rough sleeping at night or in the early hours of the morning. We strongly advise you to seek help through services that work during the daytime rather than waiting on the street for help to arrive as we cannot say how long that may take. To continue with the alert using the time you have selected press the ‘Sent an alert’ button.


To find an organisation who may be able to provide some support during the day press the 'Support services close to me'

Support services close to me

Person 2 detail

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Person 3 detail

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Person 4 detail

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Is there anyone else sleeping at this location that you would like to add to this alert?

No Yes, and I can provide information about individuals(s)right arrow

Rough sleepers on alert

Is there anyone else sleeping at this location that you would like to add to this alert?

Rough sleepers on alert


Is there anyone else sleeping at this location that you would like to add to this alert?

No Yes, and I can provide information about individuals(s)Right Arrow

Rough sleepers on alert

Is there anyone else sleeping at this location that you would like to add to this alert?

No Yes, and I can provide information about individuals(s)Right Arrow Yes, but I can only describe a groupRight Arrow

Rough sleepers on alert

Is there anyone else sleeping at this location that you would like to add to this alert?

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